There is a time for almost everything
A time to laugh, a time to cry.
A time for beef, a time for lamb.
A time to make mistakes, a time to apologize.
A time to believe, a time to disbelieve.
A time to be smart, a time to be dumb.
A time to look, a time to close the eyes.
A time to eat, a time to lose weight.
A time to accept, a time to criticize.
A time to sleep, a time to be awake.
A time to love, a time to hate.
A time to resent, a time to forgive.
A time to be yourself, a time to be someone else.
A time to recognize your ignorance, a time to ask for help.
A time to be animal, a time to be rational.
A time to have sex with another, a time to masturbate.
A time to tell the truth, a time to keep your mouth shut.
A time to understand life, a time to run around like a chicken with no head.
There is a time and a place for almost everything.
A place?
Please do not make me repeat you the anti-poem again.

Hector Ahumada 1/03/2018. USA

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