ANOTHER STORY – To Kylita Princess of Chocolate – Hector Ahumada

You were Born in positive harmony with Nature.
Nothing is wrong with you.
The mind and the body are all you have.
But of course, you have the right to believe
in laws and stories that explain almost everything.
Nothing is wrong with you.
The ancient Babylonian myth says, that you left the Garden
perfectly able to take care of yourself,
procreate and enjoy this project called life.
You were born among trees, flowers, fish, reptiles and insects.
Out of the will of the Unknown, from red clay, the sky and the clouds.
Nothing is wrong with you, my little Princess of Chocolate.
Your mother, father and I came from another garden
from the South of this earth, and you were already inside us.
A sacred symphony of organic chemicals
created by the sun, the moon and the sea.
Nothing is wrong with you.
And of course you have the right to believe
a different story, a different dream.
My little Princess of Chocolate you are truth.
You are a little girl suspended between your mother and the sky.
A human being, a soldier of History, a flower of belief.
You are a precious bundle of life in my here and now.
Nothing, nothing is wrong with you.

10/25/2016. USA

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