There are many individuals around that insist on the idea of listening to inner voices. These are just fragmentation of the mind, I do not know if they have real value.
Some persons fool themselves thinking that among these voices is the one of a master from a past life,or spirit or angels, etc. we humans have no limits to our imagination.
In Western cultures the theory is that we have one mind conditioned to black and white, right and wrong. In some of the Eastern cultures is proposed that we have many minds. At the moment I wake up I have one mind. At noon, another mind, and at evening I have a third mind.
Gurdjieff mentioned several times that we have many selves. Mahavira said that man is poly psychic.
These voices are all fragments of the mind, if you go on following all them you will develop neurosis.
It is suggested to learn “to watch” all these voices. Do not trust them. Only trust silence.
Remain in open consciousness, vulnerable. To be vulnerable is to be intelligent. To know that you do not know is to be intelligent.
The mind is all that I have experienced.

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